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Park Road/ Grangeburn Road


Further information specific to the flood defences proposed along Park Road and Grangeburn Road (between Dalratho Road and Powdrake Road)


On both sides of the  Grange Burn there is a very limited corridor between the burn and the existing road. The alignment of flood defences is severely restricted and unfortunately this will result in the loss of large trees along Park Road/Abbots Road and the loss of trees along Grangeburn Road. It is not possible to retain these trees because of damage which would be caused to the tree roots. However, once the flood defences are constructed around 175 new trees will be planted along the banks of the Burn.


Plans are provided below that show the extent of tree felling required, as well as highlighting all the trees that will be retained. Further plans show the proposed tree planting locations and also the condition of the existing trees.

Tree Condition

Tree Felling

Tree Planting

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